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Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Sharif, RIP

Sometimes it's really hard to look at pictures because a multitude of memories flash through my mind so rapidly that it all feels too real for me. I guess it's cause a part of me still isn't willing to accept the fact that you're gone, and probably never will. Regardless of that though, the memories will always remain no matter how much time passes. I had great moments and conversations with you and the smiles you provided me and so many others is something that is absolutely unforgettable. You're unforgettable. Happy birthday. Love you man.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Street Poets NYC Website Bio

I was asked to be a featured artist on the Street Poets NYC website. It gets me more exposure as they are continuously growing online and in NY. They want quality artists who are either soulful poets, or artists have substantial music so I’m honored that they liked me enough to ask me to be a part of it. I respect their grind and I’ve engaged in past ventures with them. We have a bit of a rapport so it was very nice of them to reach out. Shout outs to them for the opportunity and CLICK THIS LINK to check out my bio. Thanks to those who take the time out to read this.

Saturday, March 16, 2013


The first episode of The Hear Me Out Vlog entitled, "Introductions". Get to know me in a different aspect and meet some of the team as well.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

RIP Sharif

RIP Sharif Abdallah - May 6, 1991-March 8, 2009

First off let me apologize that this is a day late. I guess a part of me wasn’t willing to acknowledge that it had to be done as it has every year. Your mass went well yesterday. Words really can’t describe the shock I still have to this day about your passing. It’s been four years but it feels like it just happened yesterday. No matter how much time moves forward, it will always feel that way.
You changed me for the better and have a hand in the person I am today. You might not have known, but you played a bigger role in my life than you could have imagined. I have so much to thank you for. Your spontaneity, unique sense of humor, the artistry portrayed in your drawings, and a lot more, but most of all, thank you for showing me that nothing beats not caring what other people think of you and that being yourself no matter what is one of the most important things you can do in life instead of conforming to what others expect of you.
Being fourteen and impressionable, I was very unsure of myself, but seeing you so comfortable in your own skin guided me to the correct path. Looking at these pictures makes me extremely upset because you should still be here on this Earth, but it also makes me happy because you brought a smile to everyone you met without fail. Dying at seventeen is something no one wants to hear about. I keep remembering you breaking your fast multiple times at my house while we played Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater. I remember you giving my grandma a hug and you calling her “grandma”. Taking random candid photos of each other that day with that Polaroid camera I found in my house that one time. You giving me a few of your drawings. Making fun of our girlfriends at the time with our “annoying girlfriend” voices. I can go on and on but I just want you to know that you presence is felt just as much if not more than ever to this day. May your family eventually find peace in losing you, though it seems impossible because you are irreplaceable. I hope you know that I will always think of you and never forget the amazing human being you are. Forever in my heart, R.I.P Sharif.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Performance Tonight

At the Brooklyn Exposure located at 1401 Bedford Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11216 for the Creative Minds VI: The Artist Showcase. 18+ and it is $10 to get in. I have a 5 minute set and will be performing an old song, "Closer" as well as a brand new one that will be off the next project. Come through and show support if you can.